Subs and Paying by Standing Order

Membership for Calne Scouts is £15 per month, through standing over which is set up by yourself from your bank. A proportion of the Subs are annually paid both to the Scouting Movement and District to support national and local activities with the rest staying in Calne to provide a great programme of activities.

Here’s our bank details which you will need to set up the standing order.

Lloyds TSB

Account 02165796

Sort Code 30-91-99

Don’t forget if you pay tax you can gift aid the subs using the declaration form below we can claim 25p for every £1. Please print off, complete and hand to a leader or send to

Gift Aid Form 1st Calne Scouts

We’re all feeling things are financially tight right now. If you need financial assistance the please let us know and we will discuss how we can support you.

Cost of Living Support Fund | Scouts

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