We have great success and appreciate the publics generosity when we’re raising funds for the Group by attending all of the great community events in Calne.
We’re always very busy, whether it is setting up stall or serving refreshments any help on the day is gratefully received.
Coming up
Saturday 27th July 2024 – Bike Meet

- We will be running a BBQ and refreshments at our Hall for the full day, please come along and help or alternatively we will happily accept home made cakes to sell to all of our hungry customers.
Saturday 30th November 2024 – Christmas Festival of Lights

- It is very unfortunate but we’ve not been granted our usual pitch on the High Street or anywhere else in the Town as there’s too many food stalls.
- This has been by far our biggest yearly fundraiser and we’re very disappointed, but we are not defeated and we will host our BBQ in our car park along with mulled wine and a warm pleasant Hall to escape the winter weather.
- Of course we will have to publicise that we are doing this so if you do want to join the volunteering crew then please get in contact with us.
- We hope it will be a great success for many years to come.
You can still help the Group when you shop on line using easyfundraising.